Student Acupuncture 10 Pack
At Cannon River Acupuncture Clinic our treatment methods are safe, highly effective, have rare side effects, and are "drug-free" therapy at addressing the root of the problem, and not masking the symptoms. Our bodies have meridians (like little rivers and streams ~ IE: the nervous system) in our body that activate Qi (pronounced“Chee”) that promote natural healing in our body. My job as a practitioner is to recognize what areas in your body need a “jump start” to restore your body to balance. This gives the student the opportunity to get weekly treatments and will last the whole semester or year for stress reduction and immune system enhancement!
Student 6 Pack of Acupuncture Treatments
At Cannon River Acupuncture Clinic our treatment methods are safe, highly effective, have rare side effects, and are "drug-free" therapy at addressing the root of the problem, and not masking the symptoms. Our bodies have meridians (like little rivers and streams ~ IE: the nervous system) in our body that activate Qi (pronounced“Chee”) that promote natural healing in our body. My job as a practitioner is to recognize what areas in your body need a “jump start” to restore your body to balance. This is a package of 6 treatments with a savings of